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Flowers are often the first art inspirations that one tries to draw. Whether it’s realistic flowers or just general doodles you draw on a random piece of paper you find. Though we’re going to go in between those lines of professional art mediums and simple art styles by showing some oil pastel art easy flowers to draw for any beginners in art!

These flower drawings are all in oil pastels, though if you aren’t familiar with that medium, you can always try to replicate these flowers in whatever art medium you prefer. From watercolor to pens to acrylic to your favorite writing pencil, you could make anything work haha!
If you’ve just started your art journey, this Micron Pen Set and the most highly rated set of art pencils could be a great addition along with a sketchbook as you start sketching away!
Now, let’s get started on these 28 Best Oil Pastel Art Easy Flowers to draw today:

Source: @0_stel
I love the shading details in not only the flowers but the leaves as well with the multiple shades of green and pink. It really made the whole flower drawing pop!

Source: @kaylee_palette
Blue is one of my favorite colors, and I’m completely in love with this small flower bouquet! Drawing variegated sizes of flowers can definitely help add some dimension in the drawing.

Source: @kaylee_palette
Different shades of the same color not only helps provide dimension within the drawing, it also just looks better than one same color of a flower branch.

Source: @march_bomvely
If you have improved on your skills to go beyond a single stem of flower, you could draw a bouquet and draw different flowers!

Source: Pinterest
You could also draw vases for the bouquets of flowers, from glass to colorful geometric shapes, you can also test out drawing 3D with oil pastels by practicing through vases!

Source: @artmicroon
Small dainty flowers always work for beginners! A dot in the middle and a couple of strokes, then you got yourself a cute flower!

Source: Pinterest
You could always try drawing a more abstract flower bouquet with a couple of strokes and circles of different colors!

Source: Pinterest
Once you’ve improved more on your oil pastel skills, you could always play more with the weight of how you draw you flowers to show more detail!

Source: Pinterest
Oil pastel flower backgrounds! Purple is such a pretty color, and why do I totally see this as a fancy wall paper somewhere haha!

Source: @kaylee_palette
You could get some thick postal white cards and draw some oil pastel flowers like these and use them as postal cards to send to relatives for holidays haha!

Source: Pinterest
Doodle line art flowers always work whenever, because at least it gets the job done for looking like a flower! And it gives off a minimalistic art look!

Source: @mari.wonom
Blue flowers! With an extra highlight on the petals with a different ombre of blue color, I also love the extra detail of small bulb flowers on the branch!

Source: @kaylee_palette
An example from Kaylee palette to show different colors of flowers in the same form, I personally think the extra color swatch on the top of each flower is a really neat idea!

Source: @kaylee_palette
Holly for the Christmas season! As I said before, if you draw these on an empty white post card and write in sharpie of Merry Christmas on the top, you got yourself a card!

Source: @kaylee_palette
We haven’t seen a tulip flower in this entire roundup! The shading again on the flower petals itself really made the tulips pop out with dimension!

Source: Pinterest
In all honesty, I’m not sure whether this is water color or oil pastel, but let’s just ignore that and maybe one day you can still draw these flowers via oil pastel!

Source: @goshen.
I would personally love to have such a bouquet with me on my desk, look at all the flower variation in the vase! With the small 3D vase too!

Source: @mitaRahma
Cotton candy flowers? I can’t get over how dreamy all these flowers look with how well all the flowers blend with the purple, blue, and pink ombre!
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Source: Pinterest
With some color oil pastel pens, you could do this easily even as a beginner!

Source: Pinterest
Practice gives way to perfection, so after you are able to improve on your oil pastel skills, you would be able to draw these delicate flowers in your sketchbook!

Source: Pinterest
Even though all the realistic flowers are beautiful, I’m still a big fan of simple flower doodles like these haha! You could draw these in your bullet journal too.

Source: Pinterest
I didn’t realize the lack of roses in this flower roundup post—since roses are one of the most beginner and common flower drawings—until I saw these oil pastel rose drawings!

Source: Pinterest
I spoke too soon. But here are some more oil pastel flower doodles for you haha! I love how fitting the flowers on the side as background probably also doubled as a model.

Source: Pinterest
Thin flower branch could always be a great beginner drawing to start with as you gradually build up to different kinds of flowers in oil pastel!

Source: Pinterest
I always believe in using examples to learn for yourself, so just like the flower guide book in this picture, I hope this roundup post could help you with your oil pastel learning process!

Source: @boraiety
Flower doodles! This flower doodle definitely remind me of these 34 step by step flower tutorials that you can also use as inspiration when you draw flowers in oil pastel!

Source: @mariwomow
Sunflowers are one of the most common flowers to draw, even I drew sunflowers when I took art classes in school previously haha!

Source: @lineandwash_illustrations
I can’t get over how tropical this flower bouquet looks with all the blue, green, yellow, and white flowers all combined together!
Conclusion :
Nonetheless, that’s all I got for 28 Best Oil Pastel art Easy Flowers to draw today! Comment below your favorite one, share this post if you liked it, and pin for later!
Lastly, if you need some flower doodles besides these oil pastel art flowers for sketchbook inspiration make sure to check out 34 step by step flower doodles that you can use for your sketchbook!