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Though the season of Spring is gone, and it’s summer now, it’s never too late for some sunflower themed bujo spreads! Sunflowers have been one of the common favorite flowers of people for it’s beautiful appearance and aesthetic as well XD They have bright yellow petals and is often seen in a massive pack on a field. I can’t be the only one who still haven’t taken the photo with a sunflower blocking in front of your face. I mean, one day I’ll do it XD
And sunflowers look just as gorgeous as themes in a bullet journal too! In both weekly spreads, cover spreads, trackers, and maybe a step by step doodle of a sunflower is mixed in there somewhere :3
Sunflowers are a wonderful kind of flower with it’s sunny and bright display, and these spreads definitely included the theme of such a flower into it! And you can even make it themed into your own favorite flower such as roses, orchids, daisies, lilies, or even daffodils!
If you’re planning to start a bullet journal, things such as this cheap bullet journal, this Micron Pen Set, and some highlighters to give an extra pop of color! Bullet journaling doesn’t require an expensive notebook with a bunch of colorful pens, you really only need the journal and pens. Though the highlighters will definitely help with the colors XD This article offers free shipping on qualified Face mask products, or buy online and pick up in store today at Medical Department
Now, let’s get started on these 25 sunflower themed bujo for inspiration :

Source s @amandarachdoodles
With varying sizes of sunflowers sprouting up from the bottom of the spread. It surrounds the title of July and the shading of each petal really makes it realistic looking as well XD

Source : Pinterest
A beautiful habit tracker with sunflowers threading all across it of long stems and such. This might be one of the most gorgeous habit trackers that I’ve ever seen too!

Source : @marthasjournal
A weekly spread of simple boxes and a plethora of sunflowers in the background. This is definitely one of my favorite with its simple weekly spread structure and sunflowers!

Source : @nissistudies
Another weekly spread with the side full of decorations of sunflowers and the days listed next to it. And the side a big empty space to write for your weekly tasks. I can definitely imagine many weekly spreads in the format of this with multiple other kinds of decor as well!

Source : @lafondari
This step by step doodle of a sunflower is incredibly detailed and is definitely needed if you want to recreate one of these sunflower spreads for yourself in your own bullet journal!

Source : Pinterest
An August cover spread with the theme sunflowers and a quote on the side of ‘spread the seeds of happiness’. I love the sunflowers drawn on the cover spread and the extra detail of a yellow border tied it together as well!
Remember to pin these and follow me on Pinterest for more XD

Source : @goodoldbujo
A cute mood tracker with the petals as the coloring part of the tracker, with three different shades of yellow to signify the moods of the day. I love the addition of multiple smaller sunflowers at the side too!

Source : Pinterest
Sunflowers have got to be paired with a bright and pumping quote of ‘keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see a shadow, that’s what sunflowers do’.

Source : @marthasjournal
A weekly spread with large line in the middle consisting of multiple sunflowers in all sizes. And with bars of empty space as the weekly tasks written-down space

Source : @hg.doodles2018
Sunflowers surrounding the small calendar at the left, and paired with some leaves too. The little doodle next to the “Next Week” notes is another way to amplify that sunflower theme!
Related : 24 Adorable Sleep Trackers for Your Bullet Journal
Comment below your favorite bullet journal artist~

Source : @bulletwithe
With three sunflowers in vases next to the Sunday weekly spread column and a string of sunflowers above and the bottom to add to the theme. The font and the yellow dates are really pretty too <3

Source : @inprint
I love the koala on the bottom with little sunflowers sprouting up from behind it and some faint yellow and green watercoloring at the edge of the spread!

Source : @heraldeecreates
A simplistic spread with a neat border and font, topped with a petite sunflower on the top of “Goodbye March”. The sunflower is so cute with a giant fan of petals XD

Source : @dream_about_books
April is one of the months of the season Spring, and these sunflowers are sprinkled all across this April cover spread like a mini flower field XD

Source : @plinthced
The sunflowers hold the dates in the middle of itself with its stem growing up to each bar of the weekly spread. The white of the date really pops out in the brown circle too.
Pin your favorite spread to inspire the next spread in your bujo!

Source : @hg.doodles2018
A garden of sunflower with thick stems and healthy sunflowers growing underneath the columns of the weekly spread! I like how only the colors of green and yellow were used in this entire spread to match of a theme all together.

Source : @jannplansthings
Definitely one of the most intricate and detailed sunflowers among the bunch, with two incredibly realistic-looking sunflower and other flowers and leaves on the top. And the weekly spread written on the bottom.

Source : @bujobeyond
A step by step doodle of how to draw a sunflower, and this is for you if you want to try out one of these sunflower spreads listed above and below for your own bullet journal!

Source : @marthasjournal
A habit tracker with three sunflowers all in different sizes decorating seven habits of social, 6000 steps, skin care, sleep, stretch, organized, and productive. And I love the little colorful dots among the sunflowers too!

Source : @bujoandcookies
An August bujo instagram plan made by bujoandcookies with peeks of sunflowers all across. Though this could also be flipped into a monthly calendar too XD
Pin your favorite one~

Source : @marthasjournal
Another weekly spread by marthasjournal with another variation to sunflower weekly spreads. This time in the format of boxes and the date written in a sunflower as they sat atop each box!

Source : @goodoldbujo
Not one, but three huge sunflowers that crowded the spread with two that peeked from the pages. The little twinkles that hovered around the sunflowers is also a nice touch!

Source : @plinthced
A mood tracker filled with sunflowers with five shades of yellow on the bottom, at the end of the month, a garden of sunflower would be there right in your bullet journal from the mood tracker!

Source : @lafondari
A weekly spread with plenty of details, a mini calendar, a quote of ‘We’re ALL golden sunflowers inside’, and another mini notes. Paired with a sea of sunflowers in the bottom and a string of them on top.

Source : @amandarachdoodles
A cluster of sunflowers against each day and column of the week and I love the beautiful edge of sunflowers at the right bottom corner. Along with the quote of ‘the sun will always shine, even if you don’t see it’.
Follow me on Pinterest for more!

Source : @plinthced
A quote with sunflowers woven into it, saying “Grow through what you go through”. It’s a gorgeous quote with wonderful calligraphy and multiple detailed drawings of sunflowers to decorate it.

Source : @bulletjournalinspox
A monthly cover spread with a calendar and one massive sunflower to steal the spotlight! The shading of the different yellows to make it pop and I’m sure I’m not the only one who noticed that little bee on the right upper corner!

Source : @selfcarelifestyle_
A black spread with a thick border of the color black and a dark sunflower in the middle of the monthly cover spread. And the title September written right above the sunflower itself XD

Source : @plinthced
A crowd of sunflowers with bees that ‘flew’ next to each day of the week’s column of the weekly spread. The extra thin yellow border around both pages is a nice touch, and the bees too, of course!
Conclusion :
And that’s all I got for the 25 sunflower themed bujo spreads for inspiration! Comment below your favorite one, share this post if you liked it, and pin some of the pictures!