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If you never know what doodles to try drawing out, try drawing some of these ocean doodles! From seashells to dolphins, you can draw any ocean doodles you want anywhere using these step by step ocean doodle tutorials! With plenty of variations to them, there’s so many ideas one can use to decorate their bullet journal, notebooks, or even random worksheets with these ocean doodles!

There are both hard and easy doodles to try out in here with all these step by step ocean themed doodle tutorials included in here! And even for those with lacks artistic talent, cough cough, me? I could draw a handful of these ocean doodle doodles as well in my own notebooks!
If you’re planning to start a bullet journal, things such as this cheap bullet journal, this Micron Pen Set, and some highlighters to give an extra pop of color! Bullet journaling doesn’t require an expensive notebook with a bunch of colorful pens, you really only need the journal and pens. Though the highlighters will definitely help with the colors XD
Now, let’s get started on these 30 Best Step by Step Ocean Doodle Tutorials to Copy:

Any tutorial with steps more than four is always a plus for me haha! I love all the details of the striped stomach and the fin edges.

With all these ocean animal doodles combined, you could create such a cute ocean themed bujo spread with a beach and crab doodles like these!

Orcas always look like they’re in a classy black suit with the two solid colors, but they’re still super adorable as a tiny ocean animal doodle!

It’s always been a dream of mine to swim with turtles or to see the big turtles at the beach in real life one day, but until then—look at the turtle doodle with the cute chibi face!

Dolphins have always been my favorite animal since I was young, and you bet I’ll be following this step by step dolphin doodle tutorial for my bullet journal!

Source: @julia.pezowicz
With a total of seven steps in this step by step doodle tutorial from Julia, there’s no way you can’t recreate this crab doodle for yourself on your bullet journal cover spread!

Source: @cam.bujo
Shells, jellyfish, starfish, and whale, this step by step doodle tutorial from Cam really covers it all! I love the derpy face for the whale doodle haha!

Source: @gigis_journal
We can’t have a ocean themed step by step doodle tutorial roundup without one of the most crucial parts of the ocean ecosystem: corals!

Source: @supernovabulletjournal
Step by step doodle tutorial, but snorkel themed! The seahorse step by step doodle tutorial from supernovabulletjournal is definitely one to try out!

Source: @study.duoo
Pufferfish! I used to think they were weird until the Minecraft pufferfish update came out years ago that made me change my mind haha!

Source: @bulletwithe
One of the most detailed step by step doodle tutorial of a jellyfish from bulletwithe! I wish the coloring process was also part of the tutorial, because it looks amazing!

Source: @nicolegracestudies
My favorite part about all these step by step doodle tutorials from Nicole are all the cute kawaii faces on all of them! Look at their tiny smiles!

Source: @junefolio
Even if this octopus doodle from junefolio only has five tentacles, it’s still such an adorable little octopus doodle! Love the detail of the suction cups.

Source: @plslars
These aren’t step by step doodle tutorials, but these are some amazing seashell doodle ideas that you should 10/10 replicate for a beach themed bujo cover spread!

Source: @appy.doodles
The details on this submarine doodle! From the windows to the screws to the engine, such a cool step by step doodle tutorial from app doodles!

Source: @bujotrulla
The life saver doodle might be my favorite among these maritime doodles! I love the extra rope detail along the edge of the ring.

Source: @_doodle_me_this_
Narwhals are the unicorns of the sea! It’s always a wonder how nature works and how kawaii doodles work, since I can’t look at the narwhal horn without thinking of an ice-cream cone haha!

Source: @paperythoughts
Koi fishes aren’t part of the ocean, but imagine this koi step by step doodle tutorial as any general fish out in the ocean like salmon, tuna, and some other random fish.

Source: @bujobee
This doodle tutorial from bujo bee might be one of my favorites amongst all these ocean themed bujo doodle tutorials! I love all the five ways to draw waves in this tutorial!

Source: @bujoandcookies
I’m in love with this seahorse doodle from bujoandcookies! Look at that little curl of the tail, color combination, purple belly, and its pink cheek blush!

Source: @estudapotter
Even though we have many seashell step by step doodles in this roundup, I love how they’re all still different and unique in their own design.

Source: @Pinterest
I wish so bad there were more steps in this step by step doodle tutorial for the turtle! The patterns on the turtle doodle are so realistic.

Source: @splendidscribbles
If this isn’t one of the cutest whale doodles ever! The ombre, or almost tie dye, effect on the body and tail of the doodle is so unique.

Source: @seed_successful_you
How to draw a sea shell step by step doodle tutorial from seed successful you! You could create a pattern background for your bujo cover page with these seashell doodles!

Source: @Julia.pezowicz
Those traced lines in each step of the doodle tutorial are super helpful, and just imagine this adorable turtle doodle on a beach themed bujo cover page!

Source: @gigis_journal
Another step by step doodle tutorial of some adorable seashells! I’ve always loved collecting cool looking seashells by the beach when I was young, and these seashells definitely look like some I’d have picked up!

Source: @nicole.josephine
More tep by step ocean themed seashell doodles from Nicole! Starfishes are super easy to draw and to customize with any color and pattern that you’d like!

Source: @bujoandcookies
This step by step seashell doodle tutorial from bujoandcookies is the most beginner friendly doodle tutorial in this roundup~

Source: @ginger.bullet.journal
There are so many sea creature doodles that you need to try out in your bullet journal spreads in this one spread alone from ginger bullet journal!

Source: @plslars
Killerwhales, or orcas, these amazing sea creatures truly belong in nature and in their natural habitat. But for sea creature DOODLES, they’ll look great in any bullet journal.
Conclusion :
Nonetheless, that’s all I got for 30 Best Step by Step Ocean Doodle Tutorials to Copy! Comment below your favorite one, share this post if you liked it, and pin for later!
Lastly, if you need some daily bujo note doodles for to-do lists to include in your weekly spreads along with these may spreads, make sure to check out 32 paper note doodles that you can use for your bujo! Or some step by step FLOWER doodle tutorials, check it out HERE on the blog too!