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Who doesn’t like some cute flower doodles? And with the help of these step by step flower doodle tutorials, you can draw any flower doodles you want anywhere! With plenty of variations to them, there’s so many ideas one can use to decorate their bullet journal, notebooks, or even random worksheets with these flower doodles!
There are both hard and easy doodles to try out in here with all these step by step flower doodle tutorials included in here! And even for those with lacks artistic talent, cough cough, me? I could draw a handful of these flower doodles as well in my own notebooks!
If you’re planning to start a bullet journal, things such as this cheap bullet journal, this Micron Pen Set, and some highlighters to give an extra pop of color! Bullet journaling doesn’t require an expensive notebook with a bunch of colorful pens, you really only need the journal and pens. Though the highlighters will definitely help with the colors XD
Now, let’s get started on these 34 best step by step flower doodle tutorial for 2021 :

Source : @bujoandcookies
Lavenders are one of my favorite scents in the entire world, with its vibrant colors of purple and soothing smell. This step by step doodle made it incredibly easy to follow with four simple steps!

Source : @marthasjournal
I love how each step is labeled of guide lines, outlines, shadow, colors, and details! Sunflowers are beautiful and this is a great doodle tutorial that you need to use for drawing them!
Related : 29 Sunflower Themed Bujo Spreads for Inspiration

Source : @darkmoonstudy
Besides lavender, rose is also another favorite scent of mine, and I loved doodling little roses across my notebooks ever since I was young. Now I have these step by step rose doodles to try out!

Source : @bujoandcookies
A perfect how to doodle for daisies, needing only two colors and a pen, you got yourself an adorable daisy! It’s super simple so even people like me with rather a lack of artistic talent can do this!

Source : @diaryofajournalplanner
Dandelions may be counted as a weed, but I still do think that this is a cute doodle to try out! Since the seeds would be same around, you could doodle a whole field of cute dandelions!

Source : @inprint
A detailed realistic peony tutorial consisting of nine whole steps of a guideline, center petals, center parts, front, so on and adding the details at the end! With such a great tutorial, I think it’s possible to draw such a beautiful flower!

Source : @dutch_dots
I am in love with the ending result, along with the extra gold specks and the ombre color of red to seem more realistic. And besides red, colors like purple or pink could also be great to try out! Poppies might be one of my new favorite flowers!

Source : @appy.doodles
I’ve always been a fan of the flower sakura, besides it being a soft pastel pink color, I would love to be able to see an entire pathway lined with them. And with this sakura doodle, in six detailed steps, you got yourself a petit but adorable sakura flower!

Source : @Pinterest
Though I’ve only heard about the flower hibiscus from the hibiscus drink at Starbucks, I never really knew that it’s also a gorgeous flower XD It looks simple and with any any colored marker, you can follow this doodle tutorial and draw yourself a hibiscus!

Source : @handletteringspiration
With flowers, we definitely can’t forget the wreaths, with kinds of leaves, stars, lines, and rose wreathes! There are plenty of ways to customize these wreaths to your own bullet journal, and you could doodle a wreath of one of the flowers you choose from some of these doodles!

Source : @bonjournal
Dahlias have always been a mystery to me of their round appearance and slightly curled soft petals. I’ve always tried to doodle them, though they never look good and usually end up as one flat ring of flowers. But with this dahlia doodle, drawing pretty and good flowers is no longer a problem!

Source : @thebujophase
Two types of flower both drawn facing up and on the side, with four bonus kinds of leaves for you to try drawing. With three easy steps each, details were added to make it seem much more three dimensional without being a flat dead flower that I usually draw XD

Source : @Pinterest
I can totally imagine a flower crown or wreath doodle with this step by step daisy doodle tutorial! A simple kind of doodle that I”m definitely gonna start drawing everywhere, with easy lines and using only the color yellow, this is a doodle that anyone can try out for themselves!

Source : @thebujophase
A three stepped doodle and lastly a two stepped one that shows it from the bud all the way up to the flower blooming. Which I think is a genius idea for us to chose which stage to draw for your bullet journal.

Source : @lianastudiess
This might be one of my favorite doodle among the bunch, with two kinds of petals for the Sakura doodles to draw. And in two angles of facing up and looking at the side of it. With pink hues at the roots, it’s such a cute doodle!!

Source :
A sunflower, tulip, and a rose step by step flower doodle for you to choose form and with four quick steps you got yourself a cute flower from either choices. I personally love the rose one of the most out of the three!

Source : @bujoforstars
A colorful hibiscus doodle with clear steps that none can follow! Besides the vibrant coloring, I think the title is also adorable! And I really enjoy that the new steps are traced in black to accentuate each new step!

Source : @bonjournal
I would love a whole bouquet of these, I mean, look at how cute it is! With four different petals in angles from up side and so on for you to vary on in the bouquet!

Source : @withkx
If you’re looking to draw some beautiful lavenders, this is it! I’ve said it, but I’ll say it again, I adore the scent of lavenders and it’s color of purple. It’s simple long structure with little tuffs of purple petals are so easy to draw for even me!

Source : @bujo_by_bee
Five different types of roses for you to try out, but I can’t choose a favorite one out of all of them! They all look absolutely beautiful and have detailed instructions on how to replicate it. I can imagine on cards, doodles, or a theme on a bullet journal, the possibilities are endless!

Source : @amizaomar
A wonderful daisy doodle shown from four different agnles, which I think is a great plus, as I usually only draw flat flowers. So learning to draw flowers from multiple angles is something that I need to start trying out for myself!

Source : @bujoabby
Another floral wreath idea with three different ways to draw it! And with four different types of rings to choose from, then adorning each ring with the leaves or decor! Heck, I would love to doodle a daisy ring with this XD

Source : @mbpapier
This one might also be one of my favorites being it consists of ten whole easy flower doodles in total. All of them so simple and easy that I’ll definitely be doodling these flowers in a whole field on my workbooks XD

Source : @bujo.marieanneso
A rare detailed nine stepped doodle instructing you from down to each petal, which art noobs like me need from time to time. And I love the outcome at the bottom, with a ombre pink hue from the middle out as shadows 🙂

Source : @bonjournal
I didn’t know that this was called spider mums, but besides the name, I do think the flower is gorgeous. With a hint of elegancy and grace despite the rather creepy name of spider mums. I think it deserves a better name than that though XD

Source : @art_love98
I’m guessing that this is a hydrangea like the bouquet above from bon journal, though this one had colors and some blue glitter on it as well! This one could be drawn on a cover of a card and girl you got yourself a birthday card without spending five dollars or more buying one at Target, just saying.

Source : @mylifeinabullet
This would be my dream rose doodle, before I would draw circles and attempt to draw lines that barely remotely looks like petals XD But now with these rose doodles, I can draw beautiful rose buds anywhere on my journal!

Source : @thebujophase
Though I’ve never know their name, I loved this flower since I was young. I would have it pinned behind my ear all the time, and this tutorial really captured the look of the plumerias! And I like how the new steps were traced in yellow too!

Source : @bumblebujo
An anemone flower drawing tutorial with four lovely petal variations to choose from when drawing each layer and angle! It also looks quite realistic with the shading and details!

Source : @bujoandcookies
A purple flower doodle from bujoandcookies, with four steps, though I can imagine this as a a wreath as well. Or next to a title? There are plenty of ways you can use this easy flower doodles for your notebooks or more!

Source : @bonjournal
Another great doodle drawn by none other than bon journal, though I’m not sure if I ever heard of such a flower, I do think that it’s absolute beautiful and looks almost like little lanterns in the night. Each step were laid out, with a step by step tutorial for both the flower and the stem itself!

Source : @Pinterest
With the first one as a rose, leaves, a branch, and the last one a simplified version of the lily of the valley one above. Though all four of them are adorable and have quite the cartoon doodle look, which I honestly love, being a rather un-artistically-talented person, that’s the kind of look that I might be able to achieve XD

Source : @augustrose.doodles
On this rate, there are a plethora of daisy doodles for you to chose from, though there’s never enough! Another three easy variations with four simple steps to teach you how to draw daisy doodles in your bullet journal like a pro <3

Source : @evasbujo
I’m that person who’s always going to pluck a dandelion off of somewhere and blow it into the grass. So this definitely fits me with the plentiful variations of dandelions filling the entire page. I would be drawing these dandelions, and the ones on the top for days now!
Conclusion :
And that’s all I got for the 34 best step by step flower doodle tutorial for 2021! Comment below your favorite one, share this post if you liked it, and pin some of the pictures!
This is such a great compilation of doodle directions. Thank you! I will have so much fun practicing now!