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Sleep tracker should be the newest addition to your habit and mood tracker in your bullet journal. It’s a great way to see visually of your daily sleeping schedule and it could also help you adjust your sleeping schedule to your liking. These sleep tracker bullet journal spreads come in a variety of formats that you can scroll through for inspiration for your own bujo!

From plant themes to crystals to Japanese doodles, there is such a variety in layout for these sleeping trackers! You could have them in charts, circles, or highlighted graphs.
It was through these 24 sleeping tracker spread roundup that I made that led to another roundup of these sleeping tracker bullet journal spreads here!
If you’re planning to start a bullet journal, things such as this cheap bullet journal, this Micron Pen Set, and some highlighters to give an extra pop of color! Bullet journaling doesn’t require an expensive notebook with a bunch of colorful pens, you really only need the journal and pens. Though the highlighters will definitely help with the colors XD
Let’s get started on these 37 Best Sleep Tracker Bullet Journal Spreads to Copy Now:

Source: @planwithleanh
Some cute bamboos drawn with highlighters to track down both of your sleep or phone hours! I think it’s a really good idea to combine sleeping and screen time hours in one tracker.

Source: @veronicajournals
I love the variation in the color combo here for the highlighted hours from a certain time to another! You could make it so the colors could match the overall aesthetic for the cover spread too.

Source: @veronicajournals
Phone tracker seems to be a popular combination with sleep trackers, you could either have it in the same chart or have it layering on top of each other to track your hours :))

Source: @haru.bujo
Shrine temple and lantern doodles with some washi tape and flower pattern doodles! I love this Japanese theme going on in this sleeping tracker spread from Haru bujo!

Source: @haru.bujo
Having an extra chart at the side to have a clear representation of a solid number on how many hours you slept in addition to the chart from which hour to which is also a good idea!

Staying hydrated is a must! A water tracker could also be a good addition to your sleeping tracker on your tracker spreads. You could have all your health related trackers in one spread.

Source: @thedotsandgrids
You could have some charts for trackers like spend tracker, lifestyle eating habit tracker, skincare routine tracker, and post tracker all in one along with your sleeping log too!

Source: @mitabujo
If you want to keep it simple without the highlighting for hours, you could always try this style from mitabujo to have lines measuring the hours of sleep you get everyday.

Source: @ancsibiro11
Having colorful highlighted lines or dots just add a little extra pop of color to any trackers in general! The pink color combo for this spread is super cute with the little flower doodles too.

Source: @medstud.ies
This is another great way to draw your sleeping logs/trackers, you could have highlighted lines for your hours as you write the number of hours just right on the lines to avoid drawing another chart for that haha!

Source: @medstud.ies
Another example of color combinations that you could have for your sleeping trackers with writing down the number of hours of sleep you get everyday along with from when to when.

Source: @andiajournals
Green boho lines and highlighted hours for andia journals’ sleeping tracker spread~ Around how many hours of sleep do you all usually get? I usually get 7h of sleep.

Source: @bujonetka
Moon themed sleeping tracker from bujonetka, with stickers, washi tapes, and neat lines for your chart, you could have a great tracker spread for your bullet journal.

Source: @study.susan
Why am I in love with this dusty purple color? I love the neat lines and color blocks for the hours as well as the cloud + bunny doodles with the title on top!

Source: @suncerulean
Ombre title with matching color highlighted lines for the tracked hours? Yes. The extra white highlights within the title is such a cute touch to make the title pop within the bright colors.

Source: @tritopus_
You could always save some extra space within your sleep tracker to either fit in another tracker for one of your habits or life style choices, or just fill it up with some doodles haha!

Source: @piasbujo
The dotted lines should set as your preferred hours to get to sleep and up, and through the sleeping tracker you could see your general sleeping schedule and how you can fix it to your desired sleeping schedule!
Share these sleeping tracker bullet journal spreads to your bujo loving friends!

Source: @yourteenidle
Another way of how you can have your sleeping trackers! You could write down, or stamp down the numbers across the page and highlight them there instead!

Source: @pertiwiyuliana
Academia sleeping tracker? The extra ripped beige page in the background on top of the graph paper sleeping chart is a nice touch to add to the aesthetic~

Source: @somekindwords
Or if you know your average amount of hours of sleep that you get, you could just check the whichever amount of hours you get for the day on the sleeping log!

Some little airplane doodles with turquoise blocks to fill out the sleeping tracker with some extra ~spice~ haha! You could also add the solid number of sleep hours you get on the highlighted lines too!

Source: @medstud.ies
We’ve been seeing a lot of sleeping tracker logs from medstudies, and this one is no exception of how cute it is! Blue is one of my favorite colors, so of course I had to include this in the post!

Source: @thedotsandgrids
Another similar sleeping tracker from the dotsandgrids from above, but with some different color combination and doodles at the bottom!

Source: @annajournals_
Round sleeping trackers or trackers in general fascinate me of how it turns out at the end, you could either draw this out or buy some stamps on Amazon to make these trackers!

Source: @notikjournal
Scrap highlighted lines, a line works just as fine too! If you have a minimalistic themed bujo, or if you prefer simplistic trackers, you could try out the layout of this sleeping tracker from notik journal!

Source: @happy_alpaca_bujo
Dried flower hollow spread design? I need a tutorial for these kinds of spreads asap, you could put in an image or a polaroid photo as a memory or motivation for your tracker!

Source: @johannajournals
Colorful pastel clouds can never go wrong as doodles. Frankly, anything pastel can never go wrong in any sorts of drawing. The same goes with this adorable sleeping log from Johanna Journals!
Remember to follow me on Pinterest for more bujo inspiration!

Source: @thesimplishplanner
Besides a flat number of sleep hours you get that you can write on your highlighted lines, you could also write a general description of your night of sleep!

Source: @bujowmee
The squared lines in the background, brown grid washi tape, arch swirl beige sleeping tracker title, and beige highlighted sleeping hours is giving light academia vibes!

Source: @jowildflowers
You could track your productivity hours along with your sleep hours to make sure you get the maximum productivity out of your day every day by tracking down your daily routines!

Source: @cynthiabujo
If you’d like the same print title in this sleeping tracker from Cynthia Bujo, you could get these print stamps to replicate the same look after ripping out some paper with some cute stickers for your own sleeping tracker!

Source: @notikjournal
Hieroglyphic border? I’ve never seen these alphabets used in a bullet journal before as a border. It’s such an interesting touch from Notik Journal for their sleeping log tracker!

Source: @paperythoughts
Pastel minty color scheme! You could maybe doodle some plant divider swirls at the corners in addition to the cute plant washi tapes at the sides of the chart!

Source: @annajournals_
It’s a wonder how we only had a plant themed sleeping tracker till this far into this round up post! The little washi tapes, plant hanging doodle, and green highlighted lines together makes such a cute green plant spread :))

Source: @notikjournal
The board title of this sleeping tracker from Notik Journal is so cute with the frame doodles on the left side of the sleeping chart!

Source: @cynthiabujo
I love the wavy colored lines in the background of the title and how the title is just as wavy to fit the aesthetic haha! Along with how the color combo for the title extends down to the chart itself.

Source: @mr.sumpai
Stickers never fail to make a spread pop if you didn’t feel like adding your own doodles or if you’re not the best at doodling! With some colorful dots and cute bunny stickers, you got yourself a cute sleeping log in your bujo!
Conclusion :
Nonetheless, that’s all I got for 37 Best Sleep Tracker Bullet Journal Spreads to Copy Now! Comment below your favorite one, share this post if you liked it, and pin for later!
Lastly, if you need some daily bujo note doodles for to-do lists to include in your weekly spreads along with these may spreads, make sure to check out 32 paper note doodles that you can use for your bujo!