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What is one thing you always do for your weekly spreads in your bullet journal? Write the title for the weekday and weekends of course! Whether you want to write a daily to-do list, weekly tasks, or reminders for yourself for specific dates, these bujo weekly titles are the perfect addition to your bullet journal!
With different colors and fonts, you can definitely find one that you find fitting to your monthly theme for your bullet journal! Though you can always make adjustments to these bujo weekday titles to fit your bujo in terms of theme, color, or even size.
If you’re planning to start a bullet journal, things such as this cheap bullet journal, this Micron Pen Set, and some highlighters to give an extra pop of color! Bullet journaling doesn’t require an expensive notebook with a bunch of colorful pens, you really only need the journal and pens. Though the highlighters will definitely help with the colors XD
Now, let’s get started on these 61 best bujo weekday titles inspiration to try out :
Monday, the day that starts off the week with the highest difficulty for waking up in the morning, is here to start off our bujo titles here! With some pop of color here and there, Monday might not be so gloomy anymore 🙂 We recommend buying your favorite toothbrush at super low prices with free shipping, and you can also pick up your order at the store on the same day.

Source: @medicine_a_dream

Source: @notebook_profile

Source: @lafletter

Source: @bbuttermilk_

Source: Pinterest

Source: @notebook_profile

Source: @writechofficial_

Source: @bulletsandconfetti

Source: @themonsterofstationary

Source: @writechofficial_
Tuesday, the day that’s between the middle and the start that no one seems to like, also has a wide variety of titles below. My favorite one os the Tuesday page of bujo titles made by Bullets and Confetti 🙂

Source: @notebook_profile

Source: @themonsterofstationary

Source: @bulletsandconfetti

Source: Pinterest

Source: @bbuttermilk_

Source: @lafletter

Source: @writechofficial_

Source: @notebook_profile
Wednesday, the halfway point of the weekdays that prompts people to start anticipating for Friday, has many green title inspirations specifically below. Maybe green is the color that comes to people’s minds when thinking of Wednesday. Blue is the color that comes to my mind for Wednesday though 🙂

Source: @notebook_profile

Source: @themonsterofstationary

Source: @notebook_profile

Source: @lafletter

Source: @writechofficial_

Source: @bulletsandconfetti

Source: @bbuttermilk_

Source: Pinterest
Thursday, the dilemma where people either choose to finish all their work before Friday OR to slack and save it for Friday or the weekends, has the most variety in color themes in all the daily titles in this post 🙂 It’s a good day, just because it’s one day closer to Friday haha!

Source: @notebook_profile

Source: @lafletter

Source: Pinterest

Source: @bulletsandconfetti

Source: @themonsterofstationary

Source: @bbuttermilk_

Source: @notebook_profile

Source: @writechofficial_
Friday, the best day of the week as it concludes the weekdays and it’s always a very relaxing day. Mostly, at least. I really love the colorful Friday titles that writechofficial_, as it’s definitely a fitting day for a lot of colors 🙂

Source: @notebook_profile

Source: @notebook_profile

Source: @bbuttermilk_

Source: @writechofficial_

Source: @themonsterofstationary

Source: @bulletsandconfetti

Source: @lafletter

Source: Pinterest
Saturday, a competitor for Friday for the best day of the week since it’s a day that you can sleep and wake up later than the weekdays. It’s a good day also because it’s the weekends, of course.

Source: @notebook_profile

Source: @bbuttermilk_

Source: @notebook_profile

Source: @themonsterofstationary

Source: @bulletsandconfetti

Source: @writechofficial_

Source: @lafletter

Source: Pinterest
Sunday, the ending of the week and the weekends, a day that I have a love hate relationship with, since the day often feels anxious because you know the next day is Monday :(( The pop of pink Sunday titles from themonsterofstationary can definitely help clear up that Sunday sadness!

Source: @notebook_profile

Source: @bbuttermilk_

Source: @carly_art_

Source: @notebook_profile

Source: @themonsterofstationary

Source: @lafletter

Source: @bulletsandconfetti

Source: Pinterest

Source: @writechofficial_

Source: @planwithady

Source: @gummy_bbl
Conclusion :
Nonetheless, that’s all I got for 61 best bujo weekday and weekend titles for inspiration! Comment below your favorite one, share this post if you liked it, and pin for later!
If you need some daily bujo note doodles for to-do lists to include in your weekly spreads, make sure to check out 32 paper note doodles that you can use for your bujo!