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Dialogue is and will forever be a main part of writing, it adds a little more to any writing in general. It aids the reader to understand the characters further and develops the plot further. So here are 62 inspiring dialogue story writing prompts for you to think about for your own writing!
Involving dialogue can add personality to the characters and some of these can even be written as thoughts of the characters as well.
Writing prompts are meant to help inspire your own writing and for you to go on and elaborate on further more than the prompts given and into a story of your own. The details are for you to wove in and the ending is for you to decide.
So let’s take a look at these 62 inspiring dialogue story writing prompts for you to think about for the development of your story or inspire you if anything else.

Let’s Start :
1. “You don’t know what you’re doing.” “Oh, I think not.”
2. “You’re supposed to be—“ “In the cell? For the past eight years?” My eyes burned with rage. “It’s your turn.”
3. “I told you this was going to happen! What’re we going to do with all these bodies?”
4. “We got it. C’mon, it’s time to go to the market and sell it before the cops come.”
5. “I’ve stopped believing when people said they liked me, because it’s usually a prank.”
6. “Your next mission is to eliminate everyone in that van and bring the hostage here.”
7. “We haven’t had contact in years, you released me from our agreement, I will not do this.”
8. “Life isn’t fair, honey.”
9. “I wished someone told me that before I took it from them.”
Comment below your favorite dialogue story writing prompts or one of your own!
10. “Let this be a dream, I can’t take it if it’s reality.”
11. “My magic isn’t working, what is happening?”
12. “Why are you being like this? You’ve changed.”
13. “Someone came into my house, I can tell. The book moved from how I placed it before.”
14. “Take my hand, we need to jump off this building right now.”
15. “Shut up! We don’t have time to be afraid right now!”
16. “What are you? Edward Cullen from Twilight? Or some other hot guy from a book?”
Related : 32 Terrifying Horror Story Writing Prompts
17. “I’m tired of your utter nonsense, so go educate yourself and read my favorite romance novel before you come back to talk to me.”
18. “It’ll be greatly appreciated if you give me a hand right now?”
19. “You are the only person on the planet that understands my random jokes, and if this isn’t true love I don’t know what is.”
20. “Don’t give me that if I can turn back the clock, what would I do bs. I’ll turn the clock right now to show you.”
21. “Who opened that door? Is it you? Don’t you dare tell me it’s a ghost.”
22. “If you’re an elf, can you give me some that potion whatever that makes your hair so smooth?”
Pin some of these dialogue story writing prompts
23. “That is not comedy gold, that’s comedy diamond if I’ve ever seen one.”

24. “We can’t let our plan go to waste, wear your ski mask, it’s time to rob the bank.”
25. “Be quiet and listen to the classical music, you uncultured swine.”
26. “What are these? Candles in a circle… Are you wishing that I’m dead right now?”
27. “She took my wallet. Yes, just my wallet. Well…. maybe my passport too.”
28. “He isn’t who or whatever you think he is.”
29. “If he’s the angel in this case, then I’ll gladly be the demon.”
30. “Where is that same outfit I wore last year for Halloween? Oh yeah, I forgot, I don’t need it, I’m a vampire myself.”
31. “Funny, since I started trusting you, nothing good has happened.”
32. “I told you to arrest him in the beginning, look at where he is now.”
33. “I could’ve prevented it. Now everyone has to die and it’s all my fault.”
34. “Everything is different. What happened in the years where I was in jail?”
35. “You’re quite the interesting one, are you interested in coming with me to the other side?”
36. “I’m the last person you want to face right now, otherwise known as the Final Boss in the modern world.”
37. “I don’t know who you mixed me up with, but you messed with the wrong girl.”
If you have a small story to continue on from the prompts, comment them down below~
38. “You should’ve done your research before you decide to go after me.”
39. “Never mess with a girl who hasn’t had her dessert yet. Otherwise you’re dead meat.”
40. “You’ve messed with the wrong guy…. oh my god yes! I’ve always wanted to say that line!”

41. “You’re crazy, but there’s a reason we broke you out from jail twice.”
42. “I love you, I love you not, I love you… at this point even if I rip apart every flower in this park, I’m not going to get an answer.”
43. “Stop dilly dallying, and go tell him about it! I’m telling you in behalf of every best friend in the world, tell him your feelings already dammit!”
44. “Which side are you on? Listen to yourself and get it straight, are you my enemy or friend?”
45. “Honey, you haven’t even seen the worst of the society yet.”
46. “The King is just a title I hold on other days, I also hold the title of… The Masked One on the others days.”
47. “Everyone have their secrets, and the second another knows about it, that’s when you’re dead.”
48. “Requirements for my boyfriend? Umm.. a dog person?”
49. “What the hell is—-? Please don’t tell me that’s what I think it is.”
50. “Well, what do we do now? I don’t want to live in this cave like a cavemen for the next century thank you very much.”
51. “But I just drowned? Am I a mermaid or a siren now? What is this? I wanted to be a werewolf!”
52. “Every single villain in the past history from wars and more will come here again, and the last war on this Earth will begin.”
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53. “I’ll come back alive… maybe?”
54. “You’re the last person I would trust, but due to the circumstances right now, I don’t think we have a choice.”
55. “Leave. I don’t know what I’ll do next if you stay a minute longer.”
56. “Why are you here? Get out. I don’t care whatever you say next, OUT.”
57. “Being a hero isn’t so fun after all.”
58. “You’re just the same as them, you’re no different from them.”
59. “Oh my god. I’m not kidding I think I found—, nah I think it’s a fake, sorry, FAKE ALERT.”
60. “Have you been hiding underneath my bed all these days just waiting for the right moment to scare the living daylights out of me?”
61. “Him? No, he’s a nobody in my life starting from now.”
62. “Grandpa? Continue what you were saying, time traveling and your clock?”
Conclusion :
If you liked this post, consider sharing it, pinning some of these dialogue story writing prompts, and comment below maybe a tiny elaborated story to these dialogue prompts! And if there is a genre you’d love to see me do next, comment e’m down below <3