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If you’re in a writer’s block or are just on the hunt for some story writing prompts. You’re now in the land of alien stories since these extraterrestrial story writing prompts are all about them! There are a plethora of movies staring themes of extraterrestrial creatures, but in comparison of books?
I’m just saying I don’t see it as much compared to vampires and werewolves.
Since there are no really set image for aliens, it’s time to let your own words paint the image. There really are no limits to it, you can make it as ugly or as creepy as you would like them to be in your story!
Nonetheless, writing prompts are meant to help inspire your own writing and for you to go on and elaborate on further more than the prompts given and into a story of your own. The details are for you to wove in and the ending is for you to decide.
Let’s Get Started on these extraterrestrial story writing prompts :
1. There are two crew mates among the impostors.
2. You woke up to a soft melody playing from your music box, and you see a slender figure standing next to the open window.
3. The last message the spaceship in the air was : “SOS. Invasion.”
4. There has been many UFO sightings recently in your area. So you went to an empty field to check things out for yourself, when you feel goo drip on your shoulders.
5. “Why? Did you think I was going to be all green with a giant head?” He shook his head. “Humans nowadays. But I guess I can’t blame you, since I thought you were all bald.”
6. Humans have found living beings on Pluto. And it’s far from what they imagined.
7. A kiss from an alien have rather unexpected effects.
8. The astronauts unknowingly brought a living alien back with them to Earth. And it’s taken a form everyone least expects.
9. While you were out on vacation, you saw someone in your security camera. It’s not anyone you know. And it’s not a human.
10. “Can one of you idiots explain to me why we’re called aliens? And not some cool name like what, the Avengers?” He flicked goo at him.
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11. The astronauts of spaceship A113N have came back from their mission, but they could only repeat one phrase. “We’re coming for you.”
12. Your spaceship all of a sudden went dark, and when the lights went back up. There were completely different people in the seats next to you. And they radiated a green light.
13. “I didn’t hide my identity for this long for no reason.” She coughed and opened her mouth that stretched as wide as his torso, it had dagger-like teeth the size of his head. “Have fun in space.”
14. “Who are you?” “You guys call me E.T, alien, space creatures, monsters, and slender man or whatever. You can choose any from the above. Except slender man actually. He’s my boss.”
15. Your grandpa left you a chunk of metal saying that it’s once part of a UFO and there are now five aliens in your room asking for it back.
16. You grabbed your fellow partner as you two floated in the air. Your face paled as you whispered, “When the hell do you have green eyes?”
17. “I can morph into practically anyone, yes. At least I can, not everyone can.” “Can you turn into a hot guy? Like Thor?” “I refuse.”
18. She opened her eyes to massive pale eyes looming above her with a crooked green figure that was glued to the ceiling with its long limbs.
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19. He was ejected out from the spaceship to fix an area, after an hour, you decided to go check up on him. You only find a chewed rope left floating in the air with nothing attached.
20. “Funny how you guys portray vampires to be this romantic guy when they’re like equally disgusting like me. What’s romantic about sucking blood? And you guys scream when I literally only drip goo?”
21. You blinked your eyes open to find aliens in lab coats staring over you, but you were supposed to be dead from a car crash eight years ago.
22. Her dad sat her down, “Look I have something to tell you. Your mom didn’t die fifteen years ago, she was taken away by a UFO. Don’t look at me like that, your old man isn’t f*cking crazy yet. I have proof.”
23. On national alien parade day, people dressed up as aliens and actual aliens crowd the streets to promote the acceptance of aliens in modern society.
24. The alien in your favorite picture book when you were small now stands before you with the book in hand, “You’ve grown up.”
25. Evidence shows there are aliens living not just in space, among us, but in the depths of the ocean as well.
26. Your uncle dedicated his whole life for proof that aliens exist. All the while that you have a whole group of alien friends.
27. “Get in my car!” She reached for his hand. “Is that a fucking UFO in my yard right now?” “Whatever, you want in or not?”
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28. The spaceship was in a state of emergency after your best friend stabbed three other astronauts. There are only you and another two left as you locked yourselves to the front of the ship. What do you do next?
29. His skin held a slight blue tint while yours held a red tint as the music blared and green light flashed in the club. He grinned, “Hello there. Fellow alien.”
30. “Do your part well. Don’t put all the effort that I did to hide our identity to waste.” She snarled at him. “You’re an alien. Not a human.”
31. On each planet lives a separate species of aliens, and every century they come together to meet on the planet that the humans rejected, Pluto.
32. In a split second when the lightning struck, you see a large head with round white eyes at the window. And the window was open.
33. You run into an abandoned house to escape the rain, but you had accidentally ran into a conference of the alien leaders.
34. “What is this disgusting ball of wriggling flesh?” He pointed at a photo on the wall. “How ugly.” “That’s me when I was small.” “You just made it even uglier with one sentence.”
35. You’ve been captured to live inside a UFO to participate in their experiments. Since some of them were captured for the human’s experiments. It’s time for payback.
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36. “What can I help you with today?” “I’m looking for some alien food for my pet.”
37. You came back to your home to five cloaked figures with blue heads sitting on your sofa. “We’re here to collect the debt you’re ancestors owed to us five generations ago.”
38. He saw her pupil shrink into a thin line through the mirror when she thought he wasn’t looking.
39. “I could easily eat you, but you wouldn’t even suffice as a midnight snack.” He scoffed at me. “I’m literally the main character in the movie, Venom, but like three times his appetite. Though I would take some raw lobsters any day.”
40. There is an island undiscovered by the humans yet, where the aliens live and plan for the day they take over the human society.
Conclusion :
All in all, if you liked this post, consider sharing it, pinning some of these extraterrestrial story writing prompts, and comment below maybe a tiny elaborated story to these extraterrestrial story writing prompts! Furthermore, if there is a genre you’d love to see me do next, comment them down below <3